RiskSMART is a system that has been implemented by Brisbane City Council, Logan City Council and Gold Coast City Council to help consumers fast track development applications. It has been specially designed as an alternative to usual applications, being both a quick and simple way to fast track low-risk developments. These Councils have specific criteria which detail the type of applications which would be accepted through their RiskSmart process.

All RiskSMART applications in Brisbane or Logan must be prepared and lodged by an accredited RiskSMART consultant. Plan A are accredited with both Councils and have consultants on staff who can advise on potential RiskSMART applications and ultimately lodge with Council.

RiskSMART applications to Gold Coast Council do not require accreditation, however we have the knowledge and experience required to prepare and lodge appropriate applications to Gold Coast Council through this service.

Brisbane City Council

Brisbane City Council may accept a variety of development applications through RiskSMART. Acceptance of potential applications is subject to a detailed list of criteria, and requires a high level of compliance with the relevant outcomes of the planning scheme.  

Forms of development which are potentially able to be lodged through RiskSMART include the following:

  • New Dwelling House or Extension 
  • Dual Occupancy or Multiple Dwelling (3 to 10 dwellings), in Low-Medium or Medium Density Residential Zones
  • Reconfiguring a Lot (up to 10 lots)
  • Low Impact Industry, Medium Impact Industry and Warehouse (excluding areas in the Industry Zone – General Industry C Precinct)
  • Centre Activities in a Centre Zone (Maximum 400m2 or 5% of existing gross floor area, whichever is the greater)
  • Prescribed tidal works
  • Educational Establishment (where no increase to student capacity)

Brisbane City Council aims to provide approval for RiskSMART applications within five business days of the application being deemed decision ready. An application lodged to Brisbane City Council through RiskSMART may also be subject to a discount on Council application fee.


Logan City Council

Logan City Council allow any Code Assessable Material Change of Use or Reconfiguring a Lot applications to be lodged through RiskSMART.

Acceptance of these applications via RiskSMART is also subject to a detailed list of criteria and requiring a high level of compliance with the planning scheme.

Logan City Council also aims to provide RiskSmart approvals within five business days of the application being deemed decision ready.


Gold Coast City Council

Gold Coast Council also allows for a variety of development applications through RiskSMART which is again subject to a detailed list of criteria and requiring a high level of compliance with the relevant outcomes of the planning scheme. Forms of development which Gold Coast City Council may accept through RiskSMART include the following:

  • Industrial activities involving a trade or business involving manufacture, production, processing, repair, alteration, distribution and storage of any product
  • Business activities relating to a Food and Drink Outlet, Office, Shop, Showroom, Hardware and Trade Supplies, Education Establishment, Veterinary Services or Health Care Services
  • Multiple Dwelling (3 to 10 dwellings) and additions
  • Dwelling House or Dual Occupancy (including where involving a partial third storey)
  • Reconfiguring a Lot (where creating either a maximum five lots, boundary realignment or access easement)
  • Code Assessable applications where triggered only due to non-compliance with Accepted Development requirements.

Gold Coast City Council also aims to provide RiskSMART approvals within five business days of the application being deemed decision ready.